vonDetlef Berentzen 13.01.2015

Dr. Feelgood

Detlef Berentzen, Ex-tazler, Autor für Funk und Print, verbreitete hier „News“ der anderen Art. Gute zum Beispiel. Machte die Welt hör-und lesbar.

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Hi Jerry,
I have read this article about US-reactions concerning Charlie Hebdo in the “tageszeitung” (taz), I checked it out and now I am touched by their question: Why do NYT, Wall Street Journal, Daily News and others refuse to publish the original cartoons of Charlie Hebo, saying they don’t want to offend their readers? Only the Washington Post showed a little courage! Why does ‘USA Today” speak of the guilt (!) of the victims for their own death and criticize the french government for not forbidding (!) the cartoons? Why is it that no Kerry or Obama joined the manifestation in Paris , going together with Abbas, Hollande, Merkel, and all the others? These fascists killed wonderful people of my and your generation! Me and myself we have a lot of answers but I’d like to get them from you because you –  as a psychohistorian – are watching the US-Scene day by day.

Hi det,
I know what you mean — it has bothered me as well. I too was disappointed to learn that nuanced Obama chose to not even show any solidarity. Fear drives everything these days with a bit of hate tossed in. It is highly likely that all of this is the beginning of the “soft targets” campaign they promised. Thus, we will have more. These are “lone wolf attacks” setting loose the handmaidens of death. Like most everyone, the radicals are “prisoners of their own device” (Eagles: ‘Hotel California’). Theirs is to violently shake all governments to get their goal — a “failed state” to control. That thousands flock to their cause signals that Islam is filled with so much discontent — all of economic and betterment levels. Like the significantly youthful population has learned, their elders/state leaders fail them. They have little to do with their time and wander around seeking answers they want. Only the “Street” and the radical preachers online offer them an ear and convince them with carefully chosen excerpts from holy books/opinions.
The vast majority of Muslims are secular and conservative, find these radicals shameful but act little because they fear for their own lives in their communities. Shame, which is a powerful agent to stop such misguided thinking/actions, can’t get through the radical shell built around the minds of these recruits. It’s a bit like autism — they cannot hear or understand what is alien to what they have been taught. That leaves the matter to the intel agencies to develop their sources, ferret out news and somehow stop any actions. Not a good way to protect.
So, rest assured that many of us in the US are asking the same questions you have. JERRY

P.S.: Read this!

(Jerrold Atlas ist Psychohistoriker und lebt in Vermont/USA)


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  • Schöne Analyse, danke sehr. Ich frage mich, ob es helfen würde, wenn künftig in den Pflicht-Schulfächern wie Sozialkunde, Erdkunde oder dem jeweiligen Hauptsprachenfachen Französisch in Frankreich/Deutsch hier usw. für die nachwachsenden Generationen Bildung über die Mechanismen von Radikalisierung vermittelt würde. In die Schule müssen alle.

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