vonDetlef Berentzen 13.07.2015

Dr. Feelgood

Detlef Berentzen, Ex-tazler, Autor für Funk und Print, verbreitete hier „News“ der anderen Art. Gute zum Beispiel. Machte die Welt hör-und lesbar.

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This one’s such a powerful image (made by Deng Coy Miel) of global disaster. It is today’s meme as refugees invade Europe and US to find work and safety. It is the drowning of the industrialized world by those others we failed to pay attention to for generations while busying ourselves outsourcing industry/manufacture and destroying our own poor-working-middle classes. It is now that we are paying the price. It is a moment for populists to arouse the hate-filled. (Jerrold Atlas, Psychohistorian, Manchester/Vermont, USA)Miel1a

Thementag: “Mittelmeer”


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