vonDetlef Berentzen 25.06.2019

Dr. Feelgood

Detlef Berentzen, Ex-tazler, Autor für Funk und Print, verbreitete hier „News“ der anderen Art. Gute zum Beispiel. Machte die Welt hör-und lesbar.

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Along the way, he orders a Diet Coke with ice with the push of a small red button set into a wooden box on the desk, and directs an aide to fetch a copy of a hand-delivered birthday letter sent from Kim Jong Un. (Time Magazine, June 2019)


What a mess! Trump the Con-Man tells us what he’s about – and few believe differently. Reading, being informed, knowing history – that’s not going to work for Trump. He doesn’t read – indeed, he’s the most uninformed/misinformed person. His “whole life is a bet”.

US-Psychohistorians look to newspaper headlines (like this one), analyze cartoons, images, songs, culture, words etc. to reveal the group-fantasies embedded. They are psychoanalytic clues to group and individual dynamics. Psychohistory is built on this and explores the unconscious.

When Trump tells us that his whole life is a bet and he decides things based on intestinal hints, he’s telling us that his intestinal rumblings guide his decisions. His “gas” determines what he does. While he hasn’t ever admitted this, lately no “good wind” has come our way. After all, he did tell us that he’s “a very stable genius”.

Enjoy looking at the photo.
JERROLD ATLAS (Psychohistorian)


Time Magazine (Trump)


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