vonDetlef Berentzen 04.07.2019

Dr. Feelgood

Detlef Berentzen, Ex-tazler, Autor für Funk und Print, verbreitete hier „News“ der anderen Art. Gute zum Beispiel. Machte die Welt hör-und lesbar.

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Trump. Ein schwer bedürftiges, dickes und gefährliches Kind, das am heutigen “Independence Day” statt seiner Spielzeugsoldaten das US-Militär für Ego und Wahlkampf inszeniert – das alte Autokratenspiel. Nachzulesen u.a. in dem schwer gebrauchten Standardwerk “Die Krankheiten der Mächtigen” (Autor: Ivan Lesny, Neurologe).


The disease of ego and hubris (hybris) both combine in the thinking of Trump. He loved Macron’s version of France’s national displays and wanted that for himself – toy soldiers parading to salute the nation. All autocrats love this!

The trouble with this is that, other than ending wars or celebrating sports teams’ victories, the US never needed these parades. Indeed, the millions Trump will spend on his ego gratification could have been better spent relieving the economic pressures on many or health needs or infrastructural needs or education needs.

Some are even questioning the stationing of advanced weaponry out in public – will secrets be compromised?

We now know that there’s going to be a “big donors” reserved seating near the Lincoln Memorial (where Trump will speak). Yep, that’s as political as you can get. That the Parks Agency has diverted $2.5 million to pay for the event’s costs certainly speaks to wasting money as well as turning this into a lavish spectacle for GOP donors – all prove the politicization of the festivities. Ego plus politics – a corrupt mix!!

J. Atlas


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