vonChristian Ihle 28.10.2011

Monarchie & Alltag

Neue Bands und wichtige Filme: „As long as the music’s loud enough, we won’t hear the world falling apart“.

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Im letzten Jahr hat die Hauptband von Brian Fallon, The Gaslight Anthem, zurecht ihren endgültigen Durchbruch auch außerhalb von Punk-Kreisen geschafft. 2011 legte Fallon Gaslight Anthem erst einmal auf Eis, um mit seinem Nebenprojekt The Horrible Crowes eine Platte zu veröffentlichen. Im Rahmen der Interviews zum Horrible-Crowes-Album hat sich in deutschen Punkzirkeln dann sogar ein kleiner Eklat zugetragen, als sich Fallon in einem Visions-Interview mehr oder minder zum Kreationisten bekannte, was wiederum beim Ox Fanzine heftige Reaktionen hervorrief.
Anyway, wir haben Fallon – Gott sei Dank! – keinen Lieblingsreligionsfragebogen zugesandt, sondern wollten von ihm nur seine favourite records wissen!

* Your three favourite Punk singles/songs?

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I’d say Straight to Hell by the Clash, You Got It All…Wrong by the Hives, and The Passenger by Iggy Pop are probably my three favorite punk singles.

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* A record that will make you dance?

I really like Sam Cooke, that might make me dance, though I’m not much of a dancer.

* Your favourite song lyrics?

It’s hard to pick my favorite lyrics, I don’t think i can do it, I love too many lyrics. I don’t have just one.

* The Clash, Ramones or The Sex Pistols – which one do you prefer and why?

The Clash by far, they just were one of the best bands of all time. They changed everything for punk music, they broke the boundaries of safety pins and leather jackets. It became more about the message than the fashion.

* Your favourite song by Pete Doherty?

I actually don’t know any Pete Doherty songs.

* The best “new” artist right now?

I think Bon Iver is the best “new” artist, him and Frank Turner.
They’re pure hearts in their music, total honesty which is so refreshing.

* Your favourite song about rebellion/revolution?

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I think my favorite song about protest is Redemption Song by Bob Marley.

* The best song this year so far?


The best song this year, might be Calgary by Bon Iver, that’s the best one I’ve heard so far, but a lot of good records are still coming out this year.

* Your favourite movie about music?

I love that movie the Commitments.

* Your favourite song by Social Distortion?

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I think Angels Wings might be my favorite SD song, it’s killer.

* The most overrated band/artist?

Not sure, I don’t like to judge other bands too hard.

* Your favourite german song/record?

I like that band Turbostaat a lot, I think they’re a great german band.

* Your favourite record of all time?

My favorite record of all time changes a lot, but “Greetings From Asbury Park” is probably a pretty good choice.

Das Album “Elsie” von The Horrible Crowes ist bereits erschienen:


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