vonChristian Ihle 24.02.2015

Monarchie & Alltag

Neue Bands und wichtige Filme: „As long as the music’s loud enough, we won’t hear the world falling apart“.

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“The italian conquest of Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee, resulted in the espresso craze in Italy. During the second world war, each Italian soldier carried an espresso maker in his mess kit. The Starbucks aesthetic – garish, Fascist murals, combined with Futurist mechanization of the work force and absurdist shouting – can be traced to Mussolini.”

(aus Ian Svenonius sehr gutem und wunderbar durchgeknallten Buch “The Psychic Soviet“)

Mehr zu Ian Svenonius:
* My Favourite Records

* 500 Folgen Schmähkritik – Das Archiv (1): Musiker, Bands und Literaten
* 500 Folgen Schmähkritik – Das Archiv (2): Sport, Kunst, Film und Fernsehen


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