vonBlogwart 08.06.2010

taz Blogs

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A good friend convinced me to get off the topic of Germany, organic food and recycling. “You crossed your point, now move on”, she told me and since I saw her point, I obliged.

And still. Yesterday I went to a kids’ store and I saw there two mothers buying a certain product, and I said to myself: “you know what, Ze’ev?” And myself answered: “what?” And the other self said: “sometimes I can understand the rage of all these fundamentalists who can’t stand us and want to ruin our world”. And Ze’ev really try to dug him, but couldn’t , so the other self pull out his IPhone (he is kind of a hypocrite) and showed him the photos he took from the kids’ store.

It was two PBerg mother, with their Porsche Kinderwagon and “I am so bored faces” who looked in the kitchen section and decided to buy their respective kids the new line of products from Haba: wooden fruits and veggies, wooden sandwich. All Bio.


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