vonBlogwart 01.09.2010

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Dear Mr. Sarrazin,

Yesterday I spent a day in Naumburg, writing a follow up about the trial of the 20-year-old from Laucha who attacked an Israeli kid after calling him “Jewish Pig”. Since most of the witnesses were underage we had a lot of breaks in the session. In one of those breaks I sat for an interview with Andreas Karl (Karl, like Karl Marx, he introduced himself), the head of the NPD party in Laucha.

Mr. Sarrazin I would like to let you know that in the NPD branch in Laucha you are a role model. They quote you and looking up to you, saying that you were always a progressive thinker. If you are looking for a group to lead, or just give a speech to a welcoming crowd (not this jelly liberals from Berlin), I have the contacts for you.

Mr. Sarrazin, I am really pissed with you. I am pissed with you because I would like to distance myself from all these marmelada people consumed with politically correctness. The points you are making about integration in Germany are topics that every decent German must discuss in public. If the Germans will keep discussing these issues in their back room, these whispers will blow up in their faces in one of the next elections, just like it happened in France, Holland, Denmark.

I think that the German public is ready for this discussion, but we live in days where how the plate is being decorated is much more important than the content it has. You broke the plate.

One last thing, Mr. Sarrazin. As a Jew with special genes (we always ask the annoying questions), I would like to know if you read Daniel Goldhagen’s “Hitler’s Willing Executioners”?

I am just wondering if Germans really want to initiate any kind of discussion about nations and genes.


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