vonBlogwart 28.01.2011

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This is the most read news story in the past couple of days in “The Local”, a website that bring news from Germany for the English reading crowd.

Please read it, and then read it again. What does it say? It says that some man in some town have a problem, a private problem that got so big he had decided to go to the public court with it. Why does it worth a news story? reading about private problem that went into the public domain, that’s why they invented cyberspace.

So it is not really a story worth publishing. It found its way to a more established publication because of the content of the news. It involves with sex. Sex sells. Why does sex sells? because many of us don’t get it, literally. Or the way to get it is blocked by some taboos.

It is an absolute no-no to open a porn site, but what is wrong about reading this piece of news? You read it, and your imagination can start do the rest. The people who let the public peek into this private house, the website and the news agencies, knew that. A woman beaten by her husband is not a big hit. Sex worth clicks. There is a reason why this story tops the charts.

Which is OK. I can relate to the business concept. Sex brings more clicks, clicks bring more traffic, traffic hikes the advertisement rates.

But pay attention to third word in the text. It identifies the man in trouble as Turkish. Why is it important to the text? I have no idea. Is it racist? Each person should make his own judgement about it.

I think it is a case of built-in racism. I kept reading the item, I didn’t see any hint of identification for the woman.


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