von 21.06.2010

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African teams are trying their best. I watched Cameroon playing against Denmark. Though Cameroon lost 2-1. I watched the game with my family as well as my neighbour. We watched the game at home. When Cameroon scored we all blow our vuvuzela, we were so happy. When Denmark scored my brother started saying that should be substituted but my father was against what he was saying and when Denmark scored the second goal, we knew that the match was over. As for the African teams they are doing quite well though they should try and uplift their skills. My father has got a belief that one of the African teams is going to win the world cup.

We do not know until we see it. It is fun watching African teams winning but when they start to loose , you suddenly loose hope. Whether African teams loose or win, what is so precious about world cup is that it is hosted in African continent. Even though most people expect that an African team must win or play well but what can we say all teams are here hoping, wishing and wanting to win the world cup. All teams are here tying their level best, but as for African teams, I think their performance is not 100% in other words they are trying but not that hard. My uncle said that the 2010 FIFA world cup is not for Africa, but my father was against that. As for me I will just say “may the best African team win the world cup.

By Sarah Mathabela


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