vonBlogwart 21.10.2010

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In my previous post I had written about linkage being made between the treatment of German Jewry in the past and how the Muslim population is being treated now.

One of the things that I wrote was that the German Jews were exterminated even though they were integrated in the society. They spoke the language, they held the fork with their left hand, and they even stepped into the train before letting the other passengers step out. The Muslim now are being asked to integrate. You know: run to the head of the line when a new cashier is opened, turn your head to the other side and pretend to not notice when a pregnant woman is getting on a full bus.

This is Confusing for me. Do the Germans want other or not. It makes me even think if Sarrazin was right with his gene theory.

(to my few German friends: I am cynical)


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