vonRonda Hauben 24.10.2011

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[A few months ago I posted a statement by Concerned Africans on the Abuse of Libya by the UN Security Council. Concerned Africans has just issued a press statement, “On the Libyan Crisis and Execution of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.” Their statement calls for an independent, transparent, international enquiry into the true facts of the extra judicial execution of Gaddafi. The statement concerns the role of NATO, of the US, France, the UK, the UN, and the so called rebels in carrying out this “morally repugnant act”. Because it helps to clarify the importance of identifying the significant breach of international law and moral decency represented by those responsible for Gaddafi’s death, I would hope this statement receives widespread distribution. Below is their statement-ed]

24 October 2011

On Thursday 20 October 2011, Libya’s former leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, was publicly executed in an act of vigilante violence. A day before his capture and execution, US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, called for Col. Gaddafi to be captured or killed while on a visit to Libya.

These two acts have provoked feelings of revulsion from millions across the globe. The extra judicial execution of Gaddafi is not only morally repugnant but a violation of international law. He was a prisoner of war and should have been handled in accordance with the Geneva Convention.

Article 13 of the Geneva Convention to which NATO member states are signatories states that: “Prisoners of war must at all times be protected, particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity.”

NATO member-states, without whose help the so-called Libyan rebels would not have been able to effect regime change in Libya, have blood on their hands. It has now been confirmed that Col. Gaddafi’s convoy was bombed by a NATO drone and that Col. Gaddafi was captured injured and alive by NATO special forces who in turn handed him over to the rebels.

None of these actions including the relentless NATO bombing of infrastructure and loss of civilian life over last eight months are in accordance with United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 1973 which authorised a no fly zone over Libya. Similarly, none of these acts were carried out to protect civilians.

The governments of the United States, Britain and France had no interest in a peaceful and inclusive resolution of the Libyan conflict. Rather, their objective was to replace Col. Gaddafi’s regime with a Western client state, regardless of the cost and consequences for the people of Libya.

Tragically, Libya risks a long period of conflict and instability of Somalian proportions. The military intervention has ensured a long period of political instability not only for Libya but the Sahel region as a whole.

On 25 May 2011, the Forum for Former Africa Heads of State and Governments issued a statement alluding to the same issue. It said:

“It is very obvious that the perpetuation of the current violent conflict, with no end in sight, including the further exacerbation of the animosities among the Libyans and the destruction of infrastructure, will make it ever more difficult to reconstruct Libya as a united, democratic and peaceful country”.

In our Open Letter, we raised concerns about the UN’s lack of independence and the complete marginalisation of the African Union (AU).

We are extremely perturbed that the UN allowed NATO to effect regime change in Libya with impunity. We are shocked that Secretary of State Clinton, has the audacity to stand up and call for the murder of a Head of State and then celebrate the death with glee. This illustrates moral bankruptcy of the worst kind from those who pretend civilisation.

It is clear that the US and its European allies are reverting to crude military means to re-colonise Africa. The independence that Africans fought so hard for must be defended. We cannot allow the second scramble for Africa to occur on our watch.

We condemn the US, UK and France for the flagrant abuse of the UN Security Council and demand that the International Criminal Court investigate NATO to establish if war crimes were committed in Libya.

We condemn the extra judicial killing of Col. Gaddafi and call for an independent transparent international enquiry to establish the true facts surrounding it.

Most importantly, we call on the AU to launch its own investigation into the murder of Colonel Gaddafi.

Chris Landsberg – 082 791 7907
Vusi Gumede – 082 336 7462
Wally Serote – 082 568 3501
David Maimela – 083 420 0133
Christine Qunta – 082 658 7747
Issued by Concerned Africans:

The website of Concerned Africans is:


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