vonBlogwart 22.07.2010

taz Blogs

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I am not a big fan of fashion (I am writing about clothes and shoes, but I am also referring to tech fashion, like designer Steve Jobs). It is too temporary for me, and it doesn’t allow me to say anything about the person who wear this fashion, to the contrary. One of Berlin’s strongest appeal for me in the beginning was the fact that no one cared about what you were wearing, and if anything then dressing down was very acceptable.

But I consider myself a liberal person, so if anyone is into fashion and into buying these fashion magazines, and attend Fashion weeks or buy a piece of yarn for four figures, so be it.

But the line must be drawn at some point. It is enough that for an entire winter I had the witness the horror of women boots in Berlin (aka: the who can buy an uglier pair competition). I was looking forward for the summer for better weather, the World Cup, and to find refuge from the boots.

And then came the Roman-styled sandals.  Today I saw a man wearing them. It is reason 1,216 why I am so envy of Stevie Wonder.


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