Auf Guardian.co.uk macht sich Mercedes Bunz Gedanken über die ungebrochen populären Versatzstücke der letzten Stunden Hitlers aus „Downfall“, im deutschen Original „Der Untergang“. Anlässlich der Präsentation des iPad von Apple brach nämlich vergangene Woche eine neuerliche Welle an Hitler-Videos auf YouTube herein.
Dabei kommt auch ein, ähem, Experte des Genres zu Wort:
„Until recently Hitler was demonised and portrayed not as human being but the devil himself,“ says Daniel Erk, a German critic whose Hitler blog on the left wing newspaper Taz is keeping track of the Führer’s appearances in popular culture and the media, from advertisements to Google requests and the surface of toast.
„This is precisely why the Downfall meme became so incredibly popular over time: Hitler appeared in a different, more human way while he still remained the evil dictator. These competing images, the contrast between the great dictator and the little day-to-day issues, create a new and still provocative humour around Hitler. Any subject from arguing about parking lots in Tel Aviv to banal football issues can be attached.“
Außerdem in diesem Beitrag:
Hitler erklärt dem „Downfall“-Mem den Krieg – in einem anderen Ausschnitt des Films.