vonBlogwart 29.06.2011

taz Blogs

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In May, I had written about the German driver. I would like to get back to the subject please.


I first drove in Germany in the times when I used to come to Berlin for a weekend of partying. It’s was a toxic combination: I was so fucking high, and coming from a system where everything on the road is controlled by signs, I was completely unaware to the fact that I must give the right for the car coming from the right. This experience alone should have made me religious.

Nowadays, I am driving almost everyday. I am still amazed by the entitlement that rules the roads here, I am still amazed by the impossible angles drivers must look at in order to cross a crossing, I am amazed by how narrow the streets are (sometimes, it’s like to fat people trying to pass each other through a corridor as thick as a spaghetti).

But I think that what is most amazing for me is the discrepancy between the actual world and the world of driving. Sometimes it looks to me like Germans are losing all their inhabitants from daily life and offloading it on the road.

It is shocking, but, in context,  it is not a bad thing.


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