vonDaniel Erk 21.02.2010

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Nun, da Deutschlands Öffentlichkeit absurderweise erst anhand des iPads von den Abermillionen von Parodien des Films “Der Untergang” zu erfahren scheint (zumindest wenn ich die Kommentare bei Spreeblick richtig deute), äußert sich auch Oliver Hirschbiegel, der Regisseur des Films zum Phänomemn, wie man im New York Magazine nachlesen kann:

“Someone sends me the links every time there’s a new one,” says the director, on the phone from Vienna. “I think I’ve seen about 145 of them! Of course, I have to put the sound down when I watch. Many times the lines are so funny, I laugh out loud, and I’m laughing about the scene that I staged myself! You couldn’t get a better compliment as a director.” Some of Hirschbiegel’s favorites are the one where Hitler hears of Michael Jackson’s death, and one in which the Fuhrer can’t get Billy Elliot tickets.

As for the idea of such a serious scene being used for laughs, Hirschbiegel thinks it actually fits with the theme of the movie. “The point of the film was to kick these terrible people off the throne that made them demons, making them real and their actions into reality,” he says.

Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, immer auf die selbe Stelle. Wusste schon Brinkmann.


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