vonDaniel Erk 27.07.2011

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Europa, Politik, Jugend – war da nicht was? Genau: der heldenhafte Angriff auf die norwegische Hitlerjugend.

Zumindest, wenn man dem amerikanischen Rechtsradikalen Glenn Beck glaubt, der im Radio Folgendes sprach:

“There was a shooting at a political camp, which sounds a little like, you know, the Hitler youth. I mean, who does a camp for kids that’s all about politics? Disturbing,” Beck stated in the first minute of his syndicated radio show Monday.”

Ähnlich überzeugend die Argumentation des rechtsradikalen Radiomoderators Michael Savage:

“This has all the appearances of a cover-up. They created their Reichstag fire. [… ] How could one man have blown up the downtown and then raced to the island to kill the teens?”



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