vonBlogwart 14.04.2010

taz Blogs

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Unlike many people who were born here or moved to Germany, I don’t have much problem with the weather. What I mean is that I do suffer from the endless winter and the darkness (isn’t is ironic that when there’s a lot of light, it is called “hell” in Deutsch?), but I also managed to see the beauty in it.

Life in Germany exposes you to the cycle of seasons. You can really tell that it is winter, spring, autumn or summer. In a way, the German weather makes you feel and understand the countdown of your life: It’s winter again, what have I done from last winter or did I just wasted another year of my life.

I hope that my message is clear. I am writing this because it is mid-April and the clouds still refuse to move. We are flying to Israel for three weeks so Maya can see an actual sun, not one from the books.


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