vonChristian Ihle 24.10.2011

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Noel Gallagher im Rolling Stone, ob er als Solokünstler nun auch Auftritte in kleineren Veranstaltungsorten vorhat:

“I’ve been playing stadiums for the past 10 years. Only time I set foot in a theater is to go see a fucking play. No, I don’t want to see anybody’s face. No, fuck off. I don’t want anybody to fucking talk to me between the songs. I don’t want to fucking sign anything for anybody. I’m used to people being a mile away. That suits me. It’s more nerve-wracking playing in front of people who are two feet away from me.

People keep saying, ‘Oh, it’ll be great to get out of your comfort zone.’. It’s like, ‘Fuck you!’ Get out of your fucking comfort zone! It fucking took me 20 years to build a comfort zone. I have no fucking intention of stepping outside of mine. Not for no fucker. That’s fucking gone! Fucking comfort zone bastard. I’m in the process of building another one and believe me, I won’t be stepping outside of this one.”

Noel über:
das Oasis-Album “Be Here Now”
Jack White und Coca-Cola
- Al Quaeda

Liam über:
- Radiohead
- sich selbst
- Insekten

- die Bibel und Jesus
- die Bibel, Bono und Chris Martin
- Aliens und die Beatles

Oasis über
- Gott und Religion


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