vonBlogwart 04.03.2010

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I think that last night’s game between Germany and Argentine should leave many Germans worried. Not only their team played an awful game and their goalkeeper made an idiotic mistake, but their best striker is black!! What would happen in the NPD nation (mean the supporter of this party, not all of Germany) if this striker will score the winning goal in South Afrika? how are they supposed to celebrate? didn’t they have enough of Klose?

The game reminded me of the World Cup four years ago, when the Germans really made an effort and pretend to be nice to foreigners. What a wonderful month and concept that was. I remember that midway through the Welt Meister I completely was rooting for the German national team and even wrote about it for a local newspaper. It was the new Germany, Klinsman Germany, Berlin Germany of opneness and multi cultures as opposed to the previous, depressing and industrialized German national teams of the past, the Bavarian Germany.

There were two things that happened in the quarterfinal game against Argentine in Berlin in 2006 that I remember very well. At half time I went to buy beer for me and three more friends that were sitting in the stadium. I waited on a long line and after 10 minutes it was my turn. I asked for four beers, but the lady behind the counter answered that they can sell only three at a time. I didn’t understand the rule but there was no time to argue as the second half was about to start. I asked for three beers, paid, kneeled below the counter, got up and asked for one more beer. The woman gave me the puzzled look of  “I know him from somewhere”, and made the sale.

The second and more resounding memory happened after Klose made the equalizer and tens of thosands of people stood and shouted in unisom: “Sieg, Sieg, Sieg”. I was staring at the empty section in the Olympic stadium and I can’t even start to describe how terrified I felt. I promised to root for any other team, even the Italians, just so I wouldn’t have to witness this again.

Anyway, after yesterday’s game I think  that the German fans should really be worried. In this shape I can’t see Germany getting over the semi-finals.


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