vonBlogwart 28.08.2010

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I Have travelled to Krakow in the last couple of days for an article. I had some shocking moments there, especially when a 72-old Israeli by the name of Yehudit, identified herself in one of the pictures in block six in Auschwitz. Apparently, she and her twin sister, Leah, were Mengele’s favorite toys.

Krakow is a beautiful city, very vibrant and hip, filled with young people. But walking in the Jewish quarter, after having camp cocktail, I couldn’t stop seeing faces, families at the dinner table, praying for the wine, looking out at me and making sure that I will never forget them or stop telling their story.

The general thought is that without “Schindler’s List”, Krakow would be another beautiful European big city. But now you can’t stop notice the signs, byproducts and the thousands of people in Krakow and its satellites cities and villages making money of the Holocaust trail. “We have to protect our industry” is a sentence I heard many times here.

I don’t know about anyone of you visiting Krakow, but the city made me feel sick to my stomach. It seems that dead Jews turned into a very good cash flow.


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