vonBlogwart 03.12.2010

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One of the things I keep hearing when people discuss the subject of integration here is how the new immigrants, mostly Muslim, should change their all attitude and approach toward women.

And it is a right argument.

But let’s imagine. Let’s imagine that one of us would get a great job offer to go and work in a certain country, where the social standard is to beat your wife in retaliation for something she, even kill her. (I am not arguing about the justification, but just stating a realistic situation here).

How long it will take you to integrate? How long it will take you to adjust to these standards of behavior? A year? Decade? Three Generations? Why do we have different expectations from those who traveled the other way?


I would like to add two objections to what I have written above. The first is that as part of the gender, I guess it will take the majority of men about a week to adjust to this reality.

Secondly, after hearing and reading from a few sources about the condition of women in Germany’s workplace, I am not sure I would like the new immigrants to learn from Germans how to treat a woman.


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