vonBlogwart 28.04.2011

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Mad world. Mad, mad, mad world. It’s like 2011 had decided to act like it’s 1984. New Zealand, Japan, Alabama, Westerwelle.

Not to mention the peaceful region: the west is assisting in the fallout of Mubarak in Egypt, while standing still while official Syria is killing its own citizens (how long are we going to hear about how Europe is „deeply concerned and deliberating issuing a harsh warning toward the Assad regime?“). NATO is viciously attacking a country that decided to let go of its atomic dream while letting its neighbor to develop our atomic nightmare.

America is suicide-bombing its own allies and interests, while Europe is acting childishly. There is no strategic political wisdom to stop the Shiite, and there is definitely no ethical consistency.

Amid this chaos and madness, the international world is itching closer and closer toward a brilliant decision: recognizing a Palestine state as early as next autumn.

So what do the Palestinians do? They are willingly, on the verge of their greatest achievement, embracing the hated Hamas regime. In other words: the world pushed Israel to the corner. The Palestinians built for Israel an escape tunnel. Mad, mad world.


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