vonBlogwart 31.05.2010

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All who read this probably read the accounts of the horrible Israeli violence in the sea. In the last ten years there is a slogan in Israel by the right wing camp, asking “let the army win”. Well, unlike the previous Israeli operations in Gaza and Lebanon, this operation was led by a Minister of Defence who is considered to be the number one soldier in Israel history.

We let the army win. It just can’t. Not when it is not based on moral grounds.

I am waiting for more details before I will write on about it, but for now I know three things for certain:

1. If the accounts are true (many in Israel claim that there was a lynch attempt in one of the soldiers), then I am really ashamed of who I am nationally.

2. I am preaching for this for years: the results are horrible, but I hope that this victory will prove the Palestinian people that non-violent uprising is their only way to win their battle.

3. I guess that for the next two weeks I must buy my vegetables and fruits in German supermarket. Fuuuuuuuck.


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