vonChristian Ihle & Horst Motor 14.02.2007

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Die britischen Indiepopdandys The Indelicates sammeln in diesen Tagen ihre ersten Erfahrungen auf deutschen Bühnen und berichten exklusiv für das Popblog vom wilden, wilden Leben.

The Indelicates’ TOUR DIARY

February 11th

The tour started as we gathered at Ed’s house at around 8:30 to load our equipment into our home on wheels for the next 10 days. As The Indelicates explored the van’s luxuries and possibilities, suburban Hove would hear yelps of “Ooh, a Playstation!” “Wow! A table and SEATBELTS” and Ed’s shocking realisation, “Argh! I didn’t have a pre-bus poo!”
It was exciting. Julia and Simon were in high spirits as the day finally arrived that would
begin The Indelicates’ first international tour, a 7-date tour of Germany and Austria culminating in snowy Innsbruck. So Simon, Julia, Kate, Ed, Al and trusty driver Keith TOTP set off in a horrendous storm to look for some brighter weather on the continent. There wasn’t any.

February 12th: Hamburg, Grüner Jäger

We awoke somewhere in the Netherlands and were soon on the road, after ritualistically trashing the hotel, throwing a cow at a bus and aggressively mooning a group of travelling nuns. Put another way, we had a leisurely breakfast and got back into the van to have a nap. Keith did another excellent job of driving to our first spot on the rock map of Hamburg. We piled out of the van just aching to soak up the north German culture and to use our few free hours to explore the city, unfortunately it was still pissing rain so we went to Wal-Mart instead, it was HUGE! Simon and Ed were amazed to find that in Hamburg, the city which surely gave birth to the reasonably popular food ‘Hamburger’, a Hamburger is actually called an American Hacksteak.
Tonight’s gig would be at a delightful venue in the middle of a quaint little square in Hamburg called ‘Grüner Jäger’. Upon entering the venue it was very reminiscent of a scout hut; we would later discover that the building used to be a centre for Hitler Youth, but oooh, such lovely sofas!
Per-Christian and Redmond of Sad Gnome Records arrived like valiant angels to complete the Indelicate family and hopefully to sell some fabulous T-shirts, posters and E.Ps.
After two in-depth interviews with three very lovely journalists and about 15 pizzas that just wouldn’t stop coming we all felt very well looked after, quite full and ready to rock some proverbial socks. The Indelicates took to the stage at 22:30 and played for just under an hour, to a fantastic audience.
Beds for the night were found in ‘Die Kogge Hotel’ not far from the venue. Each room had some kind of “Rock and Roll” theme. Simon and Julia slept well in the punk room while the rest of us literally bunked up in a kind of jail cell meets ‘camp navy quarters’ room two doors down. Other rooms in the hotel are reportedly the Elvis room, the Crocodile Rock room and a Gary Glitter playroom for the kids. Nice.

February 13th: Offenbach, Hafen 2

We headed out around 10:30am and got on the autobahn for our journey to Offenbach. Having brunch at a service station was certainly a highlight, if only to witness Ed’s chomping down on a giant sausage with glee, or watching Keith trying to comprehend how he ended up with 5 eggs and a piece of bread. Lunch was 4 hours later at McDonalds where both Simon and Keith avoided the questionable Mäcfish to enjoy the now legendary McRib in all it’s porky glory. Keith also had a little trouble deciding, when using the facilities whether or not he was in fact a ‘Damen’ or a ‘Herren’, reasoning that surely ‘Damen’ was “Da toilet for da men”!?
The evening saw us play live to an excellent crowd at ‘Hafen 2’ in Offenbach. After Julia’s very convincing mime act during one song as we realised her keyboard had cut out, everything went exceptionally well and even provoked the need for TWO encores! All in all, an excellent night spent at the ex-warehouse, excellent flat and free internet access. Ooh, and we recorded a bathroom choir song or two in a rather large hall behind the stage, technically not a bathroom, until a couple of us got a little over-excited.

The Indelicates

siehe auch:

Pop-Blog-Essay der Indelicates über England, Nationalismus, Morrisey und Dandyism

Der zweite Teil des Indelicates-Tour-Tagebuchs

warum die Indelicates 2007 regieren


12.02.07 – Grüner Jäger – Hamburg
13.02.07 – Hafen 2 – Offenbach
14.02.07 – Swamp – Freiburg
15.02.07 – Magnet – Berlin
16.02.07 – Cafe Cairo – Würzburg
17.02.07 – Prager Frühling – München
19.02.07 – Innsbruck

The Indelicates: Homepage mit vielen Demos als Mp3s


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