vonBlogwart 31.10.2010

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By definition, I am not piggish. If 5,000 something is good for me, I will be satisfied with the 5,000. I will not aim or cry over the fact that I could have gotten a million. By now, it is just enough for me to see a good movie. I don’t expect masterpiece or movies that will tell me something about who I am. If Maya is healthy it was a successful day. If I can see the smile in Kirsten’s eyes, I don’t care how much we fight.

What I want right now from Germany is very simple. I want one of these people on the street–those who want you to subscribe for a newspaper/new mobile/bank, or those who ask you to join the fight against work abuse or capitalism, the pollution of the earth or Human right watch, well I want one of them to ask me for my signature.

It is amazing and humiliating when you are so dark and people can still not see you.


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