Natürlich wollen wir von unseren „next big things“ – Tipps für 2010 auch wissen, was sie selbst gerne hören. Die Local Natives dürfen da nicht fehlen!
* Your three favourite Punk singles/songs?
–Off the top of my head in no particular order:
– Slayer – Raining Blood
– Fugazi- Waiting Room
– Suicidal Tendancies – Institutionalized
* A record that will make you dance?
–Violent Femmes – ‚Violent Femmes‘
* Your favourite song by Pete Doherty?
–I don’t currently listen to Pete Doherty
* The most overrated band?
— The Beatles
* Your favourite song by Bob Dylan?
–The Times They Are A-Changin‘
* The best song last year?
— Either „Cannibal Resource“ or „Knotty Pine“ by The Dirty Projectors
* The best „new“ artist / band right now?
— I have been listening to the new Beach House record a lot
* The best movie about music?
— Woodstock Documentary or CB4
* Your favourite german song/record?
— I know there are a few german songs even artists that I have on my ipod, but I can’t for the life of me think of them right now. I guess Ill be held accountable to get my act together by the time we play there!
* Your favourite record of all time?
Don’t have one
(Antworten: Andy Hamm, Local Natives)

Das Debütalbum der Local Natives, Gorilla Manor, ist am 29. Januar erschienen.
Im Popblog:
* I Predict A Riot 2010: Folk
* Album des Monats Januar – Platz 3
Im Netz:
* MySpace