vonChristian Ihle 21.10.2009

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Telekinesis spielen Indie-Poprock klassischer Prägung. Kein Wunder, dass das Album der Ein-Mann-Band um Michael Benjamin Lerner auch von Death Cab For Cutie Mann Chris Walla produziert wurde.telekinsesis

* Your three favourite Punk singles/songs?

** Warsaw – The Drawback
** The Buzzcocks – Orgasm Addict
** The Thermals – Brace and Break

* A record that will make you dance?

Phoenix – Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

* your favourite song by Death Cab For Cutie?

Little Fury Bugs (from We Have The Facts And We’re Voting Yes)

* The best song this year so far?

David Bazan – In Stitches (His new record is pretty unbelievable)

* The best “new” artist / band right now?

Wild Beasts

* … and which band should call it a day?

The Rolling Stones (I think it’s a good time for them to call it quits!)

* Your favourite song lyrics?

Built To Spill – Big Dipper

* Your favourite song by Peter Doherty?

I’ve actually ever only heard the Libertines music, so I’ll say: I Get Along, by the Libertines.

* Who is the most underrated artist / band?

Cass McCombs. He is making genius records that more people should be aware of.

* Your favourite german song/record?

Kraftwerk – The Man Machine

* Your favourite record of all time?

Impossible question! I think in the indie scene, Built To Spill “There’s Nothing Wrong With Love.” Such an unstoppable record

Telekinesis auf Tour:

* 21. Okt. 2009 Feierwerk w/ The Thermals, München
* 22. Okt. 2009 Alte Feuerwache w/ The Thermals, Mannheim
* 23. Okt. 2009 Banhof Langendreer w/ The Thermals, Bochum
* 24. Okt. 2009 Faust w/ The Thermals, Hannover
* 25. Okt. 2009 Beatpol, Dresden
* 26. Okt. 2009 Lido w/ The Thermals, Berlin
* 27. Okt. 2009 Knust w/ The Thermals, Hamburg

Im Netz:
* MySpace
* Homepage


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