vonChristian Ihle 07.07.2009

taz Blogs

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(credit: neil thomas douglas)

Da das Popblog ganz begeistert vom Debütalbum der jungen Schotten mit dem seltsamen Namen We Were Promised Jetpacks ist, haben wir noch vor allen Album des Monats – Ehren gleich einmal nach Lieblingsplatten gefragt…

We Were Promised Jetpacks: “Quiet Little Voices”

your three favourite Punk singles/songs?

we don’t really like punk at all i’m afraid!

a record that will make you dance?

Errors: “it’s not something but it’s like whatever”

your favourite song by Mogwai?

“Glasgow Mega-snake”


the best song this year so far?

Dupec: “I can count to twelve”

…and the worst record you bought last year?

I don’t think we bought anything that bad? we can only afford to by records we know we’ll like!

your favourite song lyrics?

it’s hard to pick a favourite for things like that, probably anything by Scott Hutchison.

your favourite song by Pete Doherty?

absolutely none of them.

the best “new” band right now?


…and which band should call it a day?

Red Hot Chili Peppers.

your favourite german record?

I’m just starting to get in to Neu!. bit late i know…

your favourite record of all time?

We don’t really listen to much “old” music, so I guess our favourite is Frightened Rabbit: “The Midnight Organ Fight”!

Das Album “These Four Walls” ist im Juni 2009 erschienen

Im Popblog:
* Album des Monats Juni, Platz 3

Auf der Bühne – vom TAZ POPBLOG präsentiert!

* 03. Sep. 2009 – Gleis 22, Muenster
* 04. Sep. 2009 – Studio 672,Cologne
* 05. Sep. 2009 – Bang Bang Club,Berlin
* 06. Sep. 2009 – Beatpol,Dresden
* 07. Sep. 2009 – Pretty Vacant,Dusseldorf

Im Netz:
* MySpace


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