vonBlogwart 24.09.2010

taz Blogs

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It’s fucking nice in here. The temperature flirt with the high 20’s, and we rent 2 chairs and a shade, throw a blanket and let the sun take care of us. Then we go and fight the waves, or collect shells with Maya.

35 kilometers away people are congratulating each other with bombs.

North Israel is paradise. The trees are falling because they can’t carry the weight of the bananas or mangos, avocados or apples. There are excellent wines coming from the region. And it is so quite, you need to check every ten minutes that you didn’t become deaf. Even Maya slept until eight.

And everyone can see what is going on behind the border and realize that another war is just a matter of time.

People are telling you how, exactly, you are supposed to raise your kid, and that you must hurry with the second one because you are not getting any younger, and Maya is bored with us and how much she needs someone to play with.

And then, we barely managed to buckle her to the back seat, the same people are cutting us off the road.

Old Germans are stopping Maya on the street for hours to talk with her. Sometimes I feel like they are touching her to get in touch with their lost childhood, the one they never had time to say goodbye to.

The Iranian president is getting really crazy.

Our Prime Minister, the right winger, claims that “we want the solution of two states to two nations, it is just the Palestinians who don’t want this solution”. If you stood with a sign about two states only ten years ago, people would have eaten you alive.

Which reminds me: what they are doing here with food is beyond fantastic. The option for pastry.

And then to go back to Kamps.

I wish my feeling toward my homeland would have been much more defined.

I would have loved to just hate it.


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