vonBlogwart 23.08.2010

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I was in the middle of writing an article, when my wife called and told me about the new Jean Marie Sarkozy idea: deporting 88 Gypsies back to Romania. I guess it is really not that comfortable to digest your steak tartar listening to this annoying accordion. I was thinking: Those who didn’t learn from the past in Germany are really in the outskirts.In France they are running the country.

It is quite amazing when you think about it. Holland turned to the right and against its immigrants, so did Denmark, in Switzerland they don’t want visible Masques (but are not very selective about the money in the bank), Austria is Austria, Slovakia have mad leaders, and I am quite sure that some of the Hungarian leaders wouldn’t be accepted to the Nazi party on the grounds that they are too extreme.

So, basically Germany is an island of sanity in Europe. I don’t know about you, but what happened here in less then 80 years is filling me with hope.


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