vonChristian Ihle 06.08.2009

taz Blogs

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“Those stadium shows may possibly be the most extravagant and expensive (production-wise) ever: $40 million to build the stage and, having done the math, we estimate 200 semi trucks crisscrossing Europe for the duration. It could be professional envy speaking here, but it sure looks like, well, overkill, and just a wee bit out of balance given all the starving people in Africa and all. Or maybe it’s the fact that we were booted off our Letterman spot so U2 could keep their exclusive week-long run that’s making me less than charitable?”

(David Byrne über die neue U2-Tour in seinem Blog)

* Die ersten 200 Folgen Schmähkritik

Dank an Christian (via pitchfork)


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