vonSchröder & Kalender 07.12.2011

Schröder & Kalender

Seit 2006 bloggen Schröder und Kalender nach dem Motto: Eine Ansicht, die nicht befremdet, ist falsch.

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Der Bär flattert in nördlicher Richtung.

Die Politiker der Euro-Zone nähen an einem Super-Rettungsschirm von 500 Milliarden Euro aus: EFSF, ESM und Mitteln des IWF. Noch spekulieren die Akteure auf den Finanzmärkten auf ein Plus an den Börsen, obwohl Standard & Poor’s das Spitzenrating der USA zurückgenommen hat und das gleiche der Euro-Zone droht. Wird die systemische Schuldenkrise sich bald weltweit so auswirken wie 1929 beim ›Great-Wall-Street-Crash‹, dem die zwölfjährige ›Great Depression‹ folgte, die alle westlichen Industrienationen ins Elend stürzte?

Am 4. Dezember 1929 sang Blind Alfred Reed:  


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There once was a time when everything was cheap,
But now prices nearly puts a man to sleep.
When we pay our grocery bill,
We just feel like making our will —
Tell me how can a poor man stand such times and live?

I remember when dry goods were cheap as dirt,
We could take two bits and buy a dandy shirt.
Now we pay three bucks or more,
Maybe get a shirt that another man wore —
Tell me how can a poor man stand such times and live?

Well, I used to trade with a man by the name of Gray,
Flour was fifty cents for a twenty-four pound bag.
Now it’s a dollar and a half beside,
Just like a-skinning off a flea for the hide —
Tell me how can a poor man stand such times and live?

Oh, the schools we have today ain’t worth a cent,
But they see to it that every child is sent.
If we don’t send everyday,
We have a heavy fine to pay —
Tell me how can a poor man stand such times and live?

Prohibition’s good if ‚tis conducted right,
There’s no sense in shooting a man ‚til he shows flight.
Officers kill without a cause,
They complain about funny laws —
Tell me how can a poor man stand such times and live?

Most all preachers preach for gold and not for souls,
That’s what keeps a poor man always in a hole.
We can hardly get our breath,
Taxed and schooled and preached to death —
Tell me how can a poor man stand such times and live?

Oh, it’s time for every man to be awake,
We pay fifty cents a pound when we ask for steak.
When we get our package home,
A little wad of paper with gristle and a bone —
Tell me how can a poor man stand such times and live?

Well, the doctor comes around with a face all bright,
And he says in a little while you’ll be all right.
All he gives is a humbug pill,
A dose of dope and a great big bill —
Tell me how can a poor man stand such times and live?

* * *
(BAR / BK / JS)


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