vonChristian Ihle & Horst Motor 25.12.2007

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Weihnachten feiert man doch am Liebsten im Kreise seiner Freunde und Liebsten. Grund genug für den popblog in der Welt herumzufragen, was denn 2007 gerockt, geknallt, gescheppert hat, dass es eine wahre Freude war. Die Freunde schrieben eifrig zurück, so dass wir eine kleine Serie zum Song des Jahres starten. Heute: britische Bands – und zwei Songwriter – über ihre liebsten Lieder.

Adam Ficek, Drummer der Babyshambles:

The Rumble Strips: “Alarm Clock”

“I love the northern soul horns.”

Julia Clark-Lowes, The Indelicates:

The Flesh Happening: “Waste”

“My favourite songs of the year are probably ‘Waste’ by The Flesh Happening, who you may not have heard of, but who are brilliant. I really like it as it is the first band and song for a long time that has frightened me, and made me step towards the back of the room in fear. Amazing. Terrifying. Fucking brilliant.
And i also really like Lily Rae’s ‘Diane’, as it manages to get away with using the word ‘knob’ in the song, which makes me laugh.”

Ken Stringfellow, Sänger von The Posies und The Disciplines, Tourgitarrist von R.E.M.

The Duloks: “Children Of The Sea”

While there were many, many great rec’s this year, I would have to nominate “Children of the Sea” by the Duloks as the most representative of my year. We (Disciplines) open our sets with it (they were covering our song “Best Mistake” for awhile…) and will probably put it on our record. It’s punky, sweet, weird…now, I know, I know, it isn’t ‘released’ yet, and may never be, but I have had a recording of it all year, and played with the band live a few times, so it’s as if it’s released. In the digital era, released is as my Itunes does, and it’s in there. Oh, it’s in there…!

Graham Langley, Savoy Grand:

LCD Soundsystem: „Someone Great“

“My song of the year, perhaps every year from now on, is “someone great” by LCD Soundsystem.
This is my song of the year because to me it is just perfect. It is simple and deeply emotional. it has an amazing melody. an amazing atmosphere. you can dance to it when you are drunk (or sober). it can make you cry. the lyrics are truly beautiful. it has a glockenspiel on it. I cannot hear this song without getting goosebumps and that hasn’t happened in a very long time. this is what pop music should be. Everyone else can stop now because it will never be better than this!

YEAH! makes me feel alive!”

Mira Manga, The Duloks:

Britney Spears: “Gimme More”

“Sorry this is so last minute but I had to think over my decision carefully! It comes down to Britney Spears comeback effort GIMME MORE! So highly anticipated and so relevant to her crazy existence that its just perfect song/mistress symbiosis. Britney Spears is the punkest thing to come out of 2007. Viva la rebellion!”

Dave Lazer, Sänger von Dustin’s Bar Mitzvah und The Von Erich Family

Kings of Leon: “Charmer”

“I didn’t use to like Kings of Leon very much, i thought they were a bit like The Strokes but just not as good. But they have got better and better since the first album and this song is amazing, it sounds like the Pixies, and i fucking love the Pixies, so that’s a bonus. Also the new Dinosaur Jr album was fucking quality.”

Mawe, Sänger von Mikrofisch:

Billie The Vision & The Dancers: “Overdosing With You”

“Ich bin ja generell ein Fan von popkulturellen Referenzen in Songs.
Aber dass hier eine Hommage an US-amerikanische TV-Serien geschrieben wurde (insbesondere, ausgerechnet, für Desperate Housewives und NYPD), dass Lars Lindquist hier im Duett mit der wunderschönen Gaststimme Annika Norlins (Hello Saferide) das gemeinsame, exzessive Konsumieren von DVD-Boxen im Kampf gegen Schlaflosigkeit und Realität besingt –

I’ve seen you around, I can tell that you’re just like me
You’d rather watch reruns than deal with the bad spin-off called life
I’ll put the kettle on – let’s not speak, talk ruins every conversation
I’ve downloaded Dexter, come, there’s room next to me

– das alles ist schon einen Song des Jahres wert.”

Ben Lee, Singer/Songwriter

Against Me!: “Borne on the FM Waves of the Heart”

“”Borne on the FM Waves of the Heart” by Against Me! was my favourite song this year. It reminds me of John Wait’s “Missing You”. Its an 80s radio pop song about youth and longing. It was played by a band that grew up on Crass and Springsteen. I covered it. It reminded me of what a song can do.”

Part 1: Deutsche Bands über ihre Songs des Jahres

Part 3: Das Business über seine Songs des Jahres

Part 4: Musikjournalisten über ihre Songs des Jahres

Part 5: Fanzinemacher über ihre Songs des Jahres


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