vonBlogwart 27.09.2011

taz Blogs

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I promised myself not to write anymore until the summer. So this explains the long hiatus. It’s September, and it’s summer, and I can get back to writing.

Of course it would have been better if I was sharing the idea here.

I am in the middle of opening a new business. A lot to write about it. will try to write a series about opening a business in Germany. Probably will call it: “why is it better for an auslander to stay unemployed (rather of bothering to open a business)”. But I will need some time.


Just want to say one sentence about the recent election in Berlin: I think the NPD is doing a great service for Berlin and Germany. I think that its recent campaign helps to define how much you can stretch a democracy.

However: It was a clear case for me of passion killing a “successful” idea. If the party would have stayed with its anti-immigrant motive, I am sure that more people would have jumped its wagon. Many Germans, I believe, stayed away because of the connection for the Jews and the past.


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