vonBlogwart 13.06.2010

taz Blogs

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It was a perfect day. At eight P.M one could have ride his bicycle freely without worrying about speeding cars. The tram operators took their time, and instead of shutting the doors rudely, just waited a couple of extra seconds at the station to watch the game on one of the plasma screens on the street. Fathers volunteered without argument to take their babies for a night stroll, running away from observations about players and their sexual orientation, and not minding the clogged sidewalks.

I rode “Alles Uber rechts” and enjoyed the emptiness of the cafes that opted not to broadcast the games, I marveled at the “blitzartige angriffe” and from the ability to know the score only by listening to the game. The weather was wonderful, the air free of allergy devils, the streets were a celebration of colors. Germany had won, proving that it has no problem with its strikers.

It was definitely Ein innerer Reichsparteitag für Ze’ev Avrahami.


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