von 07.07.2010

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I enjoy the rhythm and vibe of the 2010 Fifa world cup and the different countries and races settled in the country for the world cup. The reason I am saying this is because it is the first time that Africa hosts the World Cup. Even if South Africa and other African countries are out of the tournament but we are still feeling it it on African soil. We are showing the whole world how Africa is manufactured.

As African we are showing what we are made off. Tourists can’t stop taking pictures of our country which is rich in ressources. What do I expect of the outstanding games? To be honest, I am not expecting anything from them because African countries are out. I am just blowing a vuvuzela for them so that they don’t feel left out. But the only one thing that I do expect is to enjoy themselves in the world cup.

I enjoyed the games so far, I was respecting their national anthyms. To be honest, I enjoyed very much the game between Germany and Argentina. Everybody thought Argentina will take the trophy. But it did not work. And they counted chickens before they hatched. But Germany spoilt their mood. I enjoyed that game also because Maradona promised that he will run naked when Argentina wins!

The remaining games in the semi-finals do cheer me up. But the country that is going to take the crown home is Germany. They are playing carpet-football like Cameroun and Spain has got to watch out for Germany. The Germans play diagonal passes, stopp balls with the chest, they play a lot of technical tricks.

By Aaron Nongxingwa


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