vonBlogwart 07.01.2011

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Neo Nazis took over a village in Germany. This headline jumped into my face as I was making my morning reading stroll throughout Haaretz newspaper.

At the beginning I thought it was just an exaggeration of an editor who wanted to get some more clicks. Behind the story, I told myself, must be something much less sensational then this. Apparently, it was much worse.

In general, there is a whole village (and the surrounding area) terrorized by right wing members who run people out of their houses, and then buy these houses for themselves. The local authorities just gave up. Berlin doesn’t care. “It’s just the former east, where unemployment is running high”, some will say.

At least no one would be able to claim that they didn’t know.

(Here is a link for the full story).


But since I don’t want to be too negative, I have a suggestion to these pleasant people. The election in this region is coming up in September, and I think I have the perfect candidate for them.

He is out of work at the moment, and he doesn’t really need the money after pocketing millions in royalties for writing Mein Kampf’s New Testament.


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