vonChristian Ihle 13.03.2009

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Unsere I Predict A Riot – Freunde von Official Secrets Act erzählen von ihrer ersten Deutschland-Tournee:



We arrived late on Monday night and stayed in an Etap. Yes, they are just as shit here as everywhere else. But we awoke this morning and pulled the curtains only to see a gleaming glass tower stacked with Smart Cars. What? Towers of mini robot cars and an easy clean bathroom fashioned out of moulded plastic? Have I died and gone to futurist heaven? Well… Its an industrial estate in west Germany. So, I suppose the answer is: yes we have.

Four hours later we are standing at the top of the tower of the Dom, Cologne’s super famous, super impressive, gothic cathedral. Our daily allowances don’t stretch to the guide book so we make up the facts for ourselves. “Those guys in the coffins are the three wise men. They got caught smuggling racing snakes out of Dar Es Salaam in 62, were drawn overland to Windhoek and flown here on a Messchersmidt.” Obviously.
Alex, our stand in drummer, surveys the bell towers and suggests that religion seems to inspire the most noble and the most foul of human achievements. We decide that this is a paradox so well served that we should stop talking about it and go for a coffee straight away.

My grandma told me last week that the Rhine is a ‘working river.’ She ain’t lyin’. Czech them barges out. The empty ones stand 2-3 metres above the water line; the full ones look as if they’re on the verge of sinking.

Our venue tonight was a basement bar in a quiet part of town called Tsunami. The DJ played Edwyn Collins, just before we went on. I spoke to him afterwards and he said he’d lived in Glasgow in 2002. He says Cologne is now in the grips of 2 or 3 well established scenes, not least the minimal techno that was pioneered here in the late 90’s, and that such a rich history makes it harder for new forms to break through.

As I write this two interesting looking types have managed to step off the street into the apartment that the venue has lent us for the night. Who forgot to lock the door? They look like zombie extras in Michael Jackson’s Thriller video and are offering us ‘real A-grade hardcore drugs’. We decline.

Weitere Auftritte:
* 13.Mrz.2009 KarreraKlub @ Rosis Berlin
* 14.Mrz.2009 MotorBooty @ Molotow Hamburg
* 17.Mrz.2009 Sweat Leipzig

Im Netz:
* MySpace


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