vonBlogwart 22.04.2010

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There is this talk, especially among leftists, that settlers are criminals, sub-human, a flat tire in the tank driving us into peace. Most of this people never leave their comfortable confinements to see who are these people. Indeed, they are not even been talked about as humans, just settlers. The settlers this and the settlers that.

I am giving you a link here for an article I published today on an American online magazine. It is the story of the people who were living in Sinai and were evacuated as part of the peace agreement with Egypt. It is a story about what happen to people who are forced to leave their houses that they grew to love so much. It is also the story of my family.

Here’s the link: http://www.tabletmag.com/news-and-politics/31597/city-of-refuge-2/


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