Nachdem The Cribs in England spätestens mit dem letzten Album ihren mehr als verdienten Durchbruch geschafft haben (und nebenbei des Popblogs Song des Jahres im Gepäck hatten), fehlt ihnen in Deutschland merkwürdigerweise immer noch die Anerkennung, die anderen britischen Gitarrenbands in den letzten Jahren zu Teil wurde. Nachdem nun auch noch Johnny Marr von den Smiths bei den Cribs eingestiegen ist, sollte sich das doch hoffentlich ändern!
* Your three favourite Punk singles/songs?
** Buzzcocks – „Everybody’s Happy Nowadays“
** Subway Sect – „Stool Pigeon“
** Wipers – „Return of the Rat“
* Your favourite song by Pete Doherty?
Erm…I don’t know. Thats a weird question. I like „Death on the Stairs“ by The Libertines
* Sonic Youth, Pavement or Sebadoh – which one do you prefer and why?
Why do I always get asked this question in Germany? It comes up so frequently…but nowhere else. Pavement is the answer, because Steve is a good friend – he bought me a plant recently.
* Your favourite song by Morrissey?
The ones that sound most like The Smiths – Boz Boorers wooly tone excites the senses!
* A record that will make you dance?
I am not a dancer unfortunately, although I recently danced to „Girlfriend“ by The Modern Lovers – it was my wedding, I had no choice.
* Your favourite song lyrics?
„I remember things with a buzz, I recall some things with a touch of love, In a dusty room let it be me“ – taken from „When You Come Back I’ll Feel Like Jesus Coming Off The Cross“ by Comet Gain
* The best record to get drunk to?
„Time to Lose“ by The Real Losers. It makes you feel drunk even when you aren’t.
* The best „new“ artist / band right now?
There’s a band called Shrag from Brighton that I love. Riot-Pop..
* …and which band should call it a day?
Queen. I used to love that band when I was a kid. They have had the most undignified career recently.
* Your favourite german song/record?
„A.C.A.B“ – Slime
* Your favourite record of all time?
„Tigertown Pictures“ – Comet Gain
(Antworten: Gary Jarman)
Das neue Album der Cribs, „Ignore The Ignorant“, erscheint am 4. September 2009.

The Cribs im Popblog:
* Song des Jahres 2007
* Die zehn besten Alben 2007
* Album des Monats August 2007 – Platz 1: Men’s Needs, Women’s Needs, Whatever
Im Netz:
* MySpace
* Indiepedia