vonChristian Ihle 05.03.2010

Monarchie & Alltag

Neue Bands und wichtige Filme: „As long as the music’s loud enough, we won’t hear the world falling apart“.

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* Your three favourite Punk singles/songs?

1. The Raincoats – Fairytale in the supermarket


2. Television Personalities – Part time punks

3. Daft Punk – Verdis Quo


* A record that will make you dance?

Tropicália – A Brazilian Revolution in sound


* Your favourite song lyrics?

Marine Girls – On my mind


* Your favourite song by The Velvet Underground?

Stephanie says


* Your favourite song last year?

Yo la tengo – If it’s true


* The best “new” artist / band right now?

Beach House

* The best band in Sweden right now?

Radio Dept


El Perro del Mar




* Your favourite german song/record?

NEU! – Hallogallo


* Your favourite record of all time?

Electrelane – No Shouts, No Calls


(Antworten: Carl von Arbin, der im Übrigen auch alle Videolinks persönlich herausgesucht hat!)


Das Album “Work” der Shout Out Louds ist am 26. Februar erschienen.


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