vonDetlef Berentzen 11.09.2014

Dr. Feelgood

Detlef Berentzen, Ex-tazler, Autor für Funk und Print, verbreitete hier „News“ der anderen Art. Gute zum Beispiel. Machte die Welt hör-und lesbar.

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This is to reflect the Obama speech today about his plans for combating ISIS/ISIL/IS. It is a multi-pronged plan of at least 3 years of war(s).  It is Obama’s commitment to more and more wars as the business of the US.  The plan’s concepts cover all eventualities except the idea that peace is easier/cheaper and simply omits chances to exploit the assets of others.  The idea of war-as-solution is as false as the mythic concept of the seeds of evil that spring up as skeletal warriors to fight good.

Yet, humans persist in believing falsehoods and myths — as if they were true because we prefer them to the difficult truths that require us to genuinely look inward and see ourselves for who we are and what we believe.

Is this really Obama’s plan?  Is he now committing to use the last years of his presidency to engage in more of the same?  Why would he do this?  Is IS really a worthy enemy or merely anther in a long line of minor skirmishes the US chooses to flex its muscles? After all, the participants are the miscreants of the Arab-Muslim world as well (now) as the younger converts from foreign lands.  They’re the “bad boys” of the current world looking for their chance to become martyrs and/or build skills that might entitle them to be seen as “leaders”.

Thus, we pick another weak enemy, make them formidable.  Paint them as truly evil-doers. Expend enormous global energies (better spent on relieving the suffering of the many throughout the planet) to destroy (and kill many innocent civilians — still termed “collateral damage”).  Have cooperating media showing what the governments want them to see and report on.  It’s a game of mega-billions being wasted daily and the harms we bring to our military — their precious blood is spilled to cleanse the nations of their perceived evils — sins of omission and comission.

There are so many negatives embedded in this plan that one must wonder why Obama chose to go along with whichever advisers he listens to on this.  They want war solutions (as if McCain and Graham have the only valid concept for dealing with enemies) and Barry seems to join them.  Hillary gets her war crises injected into her campaign now and one wonders if she’s smart enough to handle the dicey issues.

Isn’t it more likely that Obama is being driven to this choice because the IS threatens all the borders/rulers of existing nations who have become US allies because they have priorities against IS themselves? We have become the hired military of the oil rulers. How will it make the US group feel when they realize this?  We use IS to engineer a profitable (but costly in lives) invasion of the region and base it all on the alleged nonsense above. Boy, aren’t we stupid?   (Jerrold Atlas, Psychohistorian, Manchester, VT, USA)


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