vonBlogwart 24.03.2010

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Anyone who knows me or anyone who ever read me knows that the chance to see me marching in support of Israel is slimmer than the chance to see Ahmadinejad showing up for Shabbat prayer at the local synagogue, but sometimes you have to stand up.

I am talking about the polite and mannered United Kingdom. Whereas I completely support the UK recent criticism of Israel (if substantitated) of forging its citizens‘ passports and using them for covert operation, it is hard to draw the line. The UK had in recent years led the charge of covert anti-Semitism disguised as criticism toward Israel.

I think that UK’s actions are anything but helpful. The threat to arrest Israeli politicians and former army officers, the boycott of products and the attempt to inforce an academic boycott, are reinforcing the feeling in Israel that „everyone is against us“, a feeling that demonstates itself everytime Israel is leaning more to the right after every election.

There are two other probelms that I have with the UK stand. The first is its inability to integrate and assimiliate its many Muslim immigrants (another self inflicted wound), a fact that can have me believe that the UK has foreign motives in this conflict.

The second problem is that I am really not ready to take any moral directions from the UK. Forget about the Kingdom past all over the world–with its immediate neighbors, with the colonies, or the Munich Pact. When I see Israel’s action I bury my face with shame, but I am still happy to see that Israel is not taking an example from the UK and its allies in how to solve its probelm. In other words: I would listen to Berlusconi lecturing me about the importance of marital loyalty before I will listen to the UK giving me a moral lesson.


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