vondissenspodcast 21.02.2024

Dissens Podcast

Kritisieren was ist, heißt sagen, was geändert werden muss. Im Dissens Podcast spricht Lukas Ondreka einmal die Woche mit klugen Menschen über Kapitalismus und das gute Leben.

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Our homes are full of helpful gadgets, but how come tech isn’t blessing us with more free time? The family is supposed to be a space of rest, but why does it often feel like a place of endless housework drudgery? In their book „After Work“ Helen Hester and Nick Srnicek examine how unpaid work in our homes has come to take up an increasing portion of our lives and argue for a fight against housework. Nick joins Dissens to talk about the history of the home, the failed promise of labour-saving technology and how the socialization of care would enable a future with less work for all.


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