vonBlogwart 13.03.2011

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I didn’t expect much from the media and the international community regarding the butchering of almost an entire Israeli family on Friday night. Not with the terrible news coming from Japan.

And still….

Let’s summarize: a Palestinian terrorist, probably two, invaded the settlement Itamar in the West Bank on Friday night. They wait outside the home of the Fogel Family until the Shabbat dinner is over and the guests are returning home. Then they enter the house and butcher five people in their sleep: the parents and three of their six kids, ages 11,4, and three months.

And this is how CNN had decided to report the news: “five members of an Israeli family were killed in the West Bank in what Israeli military spokesman termed as ‘terror attack'”

It is a specific and malice use of language. The family was killed and not murdered. And it was a terror attack only according to the Israeli military spokesman. We all know how much we are supposed to believe to an Israeli military spokesman, especially when it has to do with incidents in the West Bank.

Let me put it to you this way: according to the CNN we shouldn’t discount the possibility of a 3-month-old Hadas Fogel getting a rage attack, killing her parents and two brothers and then killing herself.

CNN is not alone. I had talked about it with a couple of German friends, one of them was compassionate but hinted that the parents should take some of the responsibility for putting their kids under such threat. Well, I think that their responsibilities are buried next to them.

The second one added that according to conversation he carried with his Palestinian friends, it’s all about the numbers: how many Palestinians were killed by Israelis and vice versa.

Let me respond to this in order, as an Israeli living in Germany: carrying such an attack, on the eve of Shabbat, should bring very bad memories to Germans.

And hearing this kind of a math from a German leads to me to this conclusion: Germans should be very understanding with us Jews until we exact our revenge. Thats means a daily suicide attack by a Jew, killing 200 German citizens, for ten years.

But, you know, it’s different. They were Jews from Itamar, a settlement.


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