vonBlogwart 31.05.2010

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I can’t even start to describe who disgusted I am by the stepping down of the German president, Horst Koehler. If I was a german citizen, let’s say, if I was a german citizen from the liberal left, I would give him a prize. not bash him. The bashing of Koehler is hypocrisy at its worst.

Because Koehler said what everybody don’t want to hear, that there are some good aspects to the war that are good and working for the interest of Germany, that Germany role in the world economic scene force it to get involved in the war.

I can’t agree with what Kohler said, but I am in awe of his courage. In days where every public figure goes through seven channels of laundering before his or her words are coming to the public, Koehler destroyed the undemocratic process of being political correctness. He said the hurtful truth just like it is. The backlash against him says much more about us, the consumers of politics, then on Kohler


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