Im März spielt die britische Beatband The Bishops in Deutschland und Österreich. Grund genug, um nach ihren Lieblingsplatten zu fragen und 2×2 Karten für das Konzert im Berliner Magnet am 16.3. zu verlosen! e-Mail an ihle.christian at wer sich die straff frisierten Jungs auf der Bühne für umme ansehen will!
* Your three favourite Punk singles/songs?
Mike (Gitarre & Gesang): I would certainly say ‘Ever Fallen In love’ by the Buzzcocks first of all. One of the ultimate punk songs with a fantastic pop message. Probably one of my favourite punk bands for sure. I would then say ‘In The City’ by The Jam. One of my all time favourite bands and this track is blistering energy from the moment it kicks in. The Ramones are one of my favourite punk bands so I’d have to pick one of their tracks, I’d go for ‘Blitzkrieg Bop’. A classic track and one you’d would always want to pogo too!
Chris (Drummer):
** Punk And Belligerent by Warrior Soul
** Let’s Get Wasted by Warrior Soul
** Fall Out by The Police (their 1st single)
* A record that will make you dance?
Mike: I’d say MGMT’s album ‘Oracular Spectacular’ is a bit of a dancefloor filler. Their singles are great. I kept hearing their tracks being played at clubs and parties and would always want to dance to their songs.
* The best song in 2008?
Mike: Best song in 2008 for me was Vampire Weekends ‘A-Punk’. Just such a great riff and it’s a song you want to dance and jump around too. I think their album is fantastic, a great combination of influences.
Chris: Where Do We Go From Here? by JMC
* The best “new” band right now?
Mike: For me I love an American band right now called Fleet Foxes. They are compared to Crosby, Stills and Nash a lot but I feel they have their own thing going. They have a lot of folky elements and their harmonies are fantastic. Saw them play in London a few weeks ago, cracking stuff.
Chris: JMC
* …and which band should call it a day?
Mike: I must say I’m not a big fan of U2 and noticed they’ve got a new album out. Heard their new song and I just think, what’s the point anymore! They’ve been around a while and just don’t think that new song of theirs is offering anything new to the mix. I feel they’re a bit of a ‘corporate’ band.
Chris: would be difficult to say any band should call it a day or for a band to decide to call it a day as it’s probably all they know, all the old bands reforming, just cashing in on nostalgia, off the top of my head i’d say Status Quo.
* Your favourite song by Peter Doherty?
Mike: There’s always a soft spot for me with what he did with The Libertines and me and my brother Pete loved watching them playing in London. ‘Time For Heroes’ is a fantastic, classic song and I’d definitely go for that. ‘What A Waster’ is great too!
Chris: I don’t really listen Pete Doherty much but heard BabyShambles latest album and liked it, Thought ‚Carry On Up The Morning‘ is a great track!
* Your favourite song and album by The Beatles?
Mike: Very hard question! So many songs to choose it’s almost impossible to select one. I do however think ‘I Saw Her Standing There’ is British rock n roll at it’s best so I would go for that. I also like ‘Day Tripper’ a lot. It’s The Beatles doing riffs. Favourite album for me is actually ‘Help!’. Pure pop and from start to finish amazing songs all the way through. I think I’m more of a fan of the earlier material than the later period but love it all. The ‘Red Album’ a compilation of their early singles is brilliant.
** Song: In My Life,
** Album: Rubber Soul
* Your favourite songlyrics?
Mike: Dylan for me is the king of lyrics and I’d go for ‘Girl Of The North Country’. A tear always comes to the eye when I hear that one. One of his greatest songs for me and also one of the more personal I think of his earlier material.
Chris: RIDE ON by AC/DC, Bon Scott was a great lyricist! It’s difficult to pick just one of his songs!
* What was the worst record you bought last year?
Mike: I bought a few records last year but was happy with all of them as I like to check what I buy on Myspace before I buy. So I have to say I don’t have a worst record from last year that I bought.
Chris: All the albums I bought last year were all really good, but there’s alot of shit out there that I didn’t buy last year, ‚Partie Traumatic‘ by the Black Kids was the worst!
* The Beatles, Rolling Stones and The Kinks – which one do you prefer and why?
Mike: All legends and all offer something different to each other. I’d push come to shove have to say The Beatles for such great writing and consistently pushing the boundaries all the time. The Kinks would be next for me. I think they wrote some of the most classic British songs of all time and Ray Davies’ lyrics are great. ‘Village Green Preservation Society’ is a fantastic album. I love The Stones too but feel the Beatles were stronger writers. I like ‘Sticky Fingers’ a lot. That’s a great album.
Chris: That’s a difficult one as they’re all legends and have great songs, I think maybe The Kinks, no wait…,The Rolling Stones because they’ve got so many great rock n roll songs/tunes/riffs!
* Your favourite german song/record?
Mike: I heard ‘The Man Machine’ the other day by Kraftwerk and I didn’t realise they were German. I like ‘The Model’ from that album that’s a great track.
Chris: DU HAST by RAMMSTEIN (it’s got a great riff!)
* Your favourite record of all time?
Mike: Hard question again, very difficult! I think The Monks ‘Black Monk Time’ is possibly that record. I’ve never heard anything like this before and was blown away when I heard it for the first time. It’s an odd record but there is structure behind the oddness that makes it have sense. It’s a cracking album. Dylan’s ‘Freewheelin’ would have to be very close in my mind as well.
Chris: That’s a another difficult one, I’m gonna say ‚Highway To Hell‘ by AC/DC, It captures AC/DC at the their peak.

Das zweite Album der Bishops, „For Now“, ist Ende Februar erschienen und in Plattenläden eures Vertrauens erhältlich.
Im Netz:
* MySpace
Auf der Bühne:
13.Mrz.2009, 59:1 Munich, Germany
14.Mrz.2009, Tsunami Club Colonge, Germany
15.Mrz.2009, Prinzenbar Hamburg, Germany
16.Mrz.2009, Magnet Club Berlin, Germany
17.Mrz.2009, Schlachthof Wiesbaden, Germany
18.Mrz.2009, Schocken Stuttgart, Germany
19.Mrz.2009, Rockhouse Salzburg, Austria
20.Mrz.2009, Conrad Sohm Dornbirn, Austria
21.Mrz.2009, Avalon Exil Krems, Austria
22.Mrz.2009, B72 Vienna, Austria
Wir verlosen 2×2 Karten für das Bishops-Konzert im Magnet in Berlin (16.3.)!