Die britischen Punk-Epigonen Dustin’s Bar Mitzvah, deren “Get Your Mood On” im Februar zu einem unserer Alben des Monats gewählt wurden, schreiben in Person des Sängers Dave Lazer einen 9-Schritte-Guide “Hot to not die when on tour” exklusiv für das Popblog bevor sie ab dem 22. März auf deutschen Bühnen stehen werden.
Aber nun Dustin’s Bar Mitzvah über grünen Tee, grünen Tee mit Saki und Dinge, die man in des Drummers Mund stecken kann:
How To Not Die When On Tour
When on tour, your standard of living drops to an unacceptable level. You suddenly see it as acceptable to wear the same clothes for a whole week and you get used to the smell, its only when you get back home that you realise the dammage you have done to your body and mind . Here are a few tips about how not to die when on tour.
– Fruit smoothies, contain lots of vitamins , you tend to survive on the riders that venues provide you (most of the time it is beer and pringles) and the vitamins come in handy. They are also very easy to steal from service stations
– Green tea. This stuff is fucking magic! on our last tour of japan i got into it , drink a litre of this before you go to bed and you wont have a hangover the next day. Also green tea and sake is good fun.
– Putting stuff in our drummers mouth when hes asleep. (just good fun)
– Girls. sleeping every night in hotels gets depressing, so if you can go home with a girl, do, even if its just so you get to sleep in a nice bed.
– This ipod thing me and baco got at the airport, allows you to play an ipod through the vans radio, its great.
– Red Bull. sleeping 4 hours a night, you need caffine.
– Spare strings/plectrums. There is nothing worse than driving round some little town looking for a music shop, 9 times out of 10 you’ll just get lost, so bring strings and plectrums.
– Fighting. Don’t let tensions build up, if you get stressed with one of your band members its probably best to just have a bit of a fight, then its over with.
– Football. We have to sound check about 5 pm, then often aren’t on stage until 12pm, so in between we play football, we often don’t have a ball, but you can make one by rolling up a t-shirt and covering it in tape.
and thats the lot.
Dave Lazer, Dustin’s Bar Mitzvah
* 20.Mrz.2007 Wien – Chelsea
* 21.Mrz.2007 Innsbruck – Weekender Club
* 22.Mrz.2007 München – Backstage
* 23.Mrz.2007 Köln – MTC
* 24.Mrz.2007 Berlin – Karrera Klub
* 25.Mrz.2007 Hamburg – Prinzenbar
MySpace, leider ohne die Hits “To The Ramones” oder “Get Your Mood On, aber dennoch… Anspieltips: “Kick Him Out” und “Catholic Boys”