In unregelmäßiger Folge zitiert das Popblog die beiden größten Aphoristiker Großbritanniens, Oasis’ Liam und Noel Gallagher. Des Popblogs Kalendersprüche, wenn man so will.
“I’ll tell you about the bible – there’s no pictures in it. How can you buzz off a book, right, without no pictures in it? You’ve got to have one picture floating about. If there ain’t no pictures in a book, you can fuck right off! I want to see Jesus getting off his tits and smashing the stalls up. I want to see Jesus walking on wine…or whatever, walking across water going, ‘Waaahhyy, I’m a geezer.’ But there’s no pictures to prove it. So fuck right off. There’s no pictures to prove that Jesus turned water into wine, I know he did and I know he’s a geezer, but a book without pictures is a shit book.”
(Liam Gallagher über Jesus und die Bibel)